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More interesting mnemonics:
- Mitosis happens everywhere, even in my toe, Meiosis only happens in my OH!
- Place words are always “here”
- Some Pigs Fly, In Canada, Purposefully Calling Pork
- Great Big Dogs Fight Animals
- Thirty days in September, April, June, and November. All the rest have 31, except for February, which has 28, but Leap Year gives it 29.
- Kill Him Dead Or Don’t Call Me
- Memorize Eternal Propositions, But Pension Hectic Happy Occult, Nonsensical Declarations
- Sheriff
- Don’t Eat Peanut Cookies Boys
- Old People Catch Easy Breaks
- Old Charlie Foster Hates Women Having Dull Clothes
- 8 times 8 is 64, I ate and I ate and I was sick (six) on the floor (four).
- He Plays Ball
- Ukuvula = Open
- Beat Grandma Every Hour, Now Catch Papa
- Requirements for Negotiability
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