Mnemonic Device: I Picked My Apples Today I Propose Men Are Toads Idiot, Pass Me Another Tequila Immoral Professor, My Ass is Throbbing! IPMAT I Passed My Anatomy’s Test Calmly includes Cytokinesis which begins
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Mnemonic devices for biology mitosis
These mnemonics help to remember the different stages of cell phases (mitosis). We have many more biology mnemonic devices....
Phases of Mitosis
The cat Peed on a MAT.
Mnemonic Device: The cat Peed on a MAT. Explanation: to remember PMAT for cell division Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
Mitosis happens everywhere, even in my toe, Meiosis only happens in my OH!
Mnemonic Device: Where does the cell division take place? Mitosis happens everywhere, even in my toe, Meiosis only happens in my OH! Explanation: to remember the difference between Mitosis and
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