Mnemonic Device: ROY G. BIV Variations: Read Out Your Good Book In Verse Reports Of Young Girls Banging Inside Vatican Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain Richard Of York
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Mnemonic devices for Physics
Remember the colors of the rainbow, and much much more...
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Power equals I squared R
 Mnemonic Device: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Power equals I squared R Explanation: power in watts = V * V * I (or in SI P = U * I)
People Really Hate Eating Donuts And Cold Cider
 Mnemonic Device: People Really Hate Eating Donuts And Cold Cider Explanation: to remember the seven steps in the scientific method Problem, Research, Hypothesis, Experiment/data, Analyze, Conclusion, Communicate
Prefixes of the Metric System
Mnemonic Device: Kings Hate Dragons Because Dragons Can’t Make Money. Explanation: to remember the Metric prefixes, or the decimal ladder, and base unit (Kilo, Hecto, Deca, Base, Deci, Centi, Milli, Micro). VARIATIONS:
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Levels of the atmosphere
Mnemonic Device: The Stupid Monkeys Tattled on Elephants Typical, Super Mario’s Time Expired! The Smart Man Takes the Elevator The Straight Man’s Testicles Exploded Tropics Strike Men’s Thermometers Explanation: to remember
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Resistor Color Code
 Mnemonic Device: Better Be Ready Or Your Great Big Venture Goes West Variations: Bill Brown Realized Only Yesterday Good Boys Value Good Work Bad Booze Rots Our Young Guts,
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Raging martians invaded Roy G. Biv using x-ray guns.
Mnemonic Device: Raging Martians Invade Venus Using X-Ray Guns Raging Martians Invaded roy g. biV Using X-ray Guns Variations: Randy Man In Vegas Uses X-rays on Girls Ray Michaels Irritated
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Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain
On Hanonica, Mice Pop Open Round Candies
 Mnemonic Device: On Hanonica, Mice Pop Open Round Candies Explanation: to remember my version of the seven steps of the scientific process Objective, Hypothesis, Materials, Procedure, Observation, Results and Conclusion
Susie Gathered French Pies At Dinner
 Mnemonic Device: Susie Gathered French Pies At Dinner Explanation: to remember the steps of the scientific method State the problem Gather Info Form Hypothesis Perform an Experiment Analyze Data
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